Areas of Interest
- Object Oriented Programming
- User Interfaces: Document-Orientation, Component ware (ex. OLE, Open/Doc, also Oberon)
- Computer Languages & Compiler development
- Development Tools: RAD, "Visual...", etc.
- and much more...
Computer Journals I read regularly
- c't, Computer & Technik - Simply the best general computer magazine in German
- BYTE - In my opinion the best general computer magazine in English
- Dr. Dobb's Journal - Software & Tools for Professional Programmers
- MSJ, Microsoft Systems Journal - Usefull to stay up to date with all those fancy
Microsoft abbreviations
- C++ Report - The one and only source for the latest C++ developments
- iX - Multiuser Multitasking Magazin, in German
- OBJEKTspektrum - German OOP magazine
Realized Projects
- AbaDoc: AbaDoc is a Cross Media Publishing Application (multi-target publishing system)
which was developed for ABACUS Reserach AG. It now produces printed manuals, each about
thousand pages long, two different on-line help systems (ASCII-DOS and Windows-HLP) and
soon maybe PDF or HTML pages.
- DOCTITLE: DocTitle is a DLL developed for Schneider Consulting. It quickly retrieves
document titles of MS Office applications without launching them. Uses OLE Properties
& Compound Storage.
- sjf DB: An address database with extended functionality. The program provides easy
'point & click' support for easy mail merge and more.
Experience with...
- Advanced knowlodge of C++
- Other Programming Languages including
- Delphi
- Smalltalk
- Prolog
- Perl
- Pascal & Object Pascal,
- various BASICs (remember good old GFA-Basic?!)
- 6502 Assembler (Hey C64/C128 Family!) and limited 68000 and x86
- MS Word Expert
- Database systems, particularly MS Access
- Moderate knowledge of UNIX (always growing while dealing with cool LINUX!)
Ideas for future projects
I have a lot of ideas & notes about a truely object oriented and integrated user
A paper described those ideas is currently being prepared.
Published Papers
The following documents are currently prepared for on-line publishing:
- "A Fruity Approach to Memory Management in C++, A Pattern for Object
Encapsulation", Paper submitted to the Swiss & European Union Contest for Young
Scientists, 1994/1995
- Virus safer programming: An article published in an ATARI Magazine in 1989
Last modified: May 1997