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ERASMUS Exchange Year in Torino, Italy

I did an exchange year at Politecnico di Torino from October 1997 to July 1998 under the European ERASMUS student exchange program. We had a great time and lot's of Fun!
Party Time and the City of Torino photos.
My "official" report, in French
(or report as Word 2.0 documentMS Word 2.0 Document or report as PDF document)

This page serves the ERASMUS Turin 97/98 people to keep in touch:

We have an electronic mailing list: Send "subscribe erasmus" (without quotes) to [E-MAIL]. Then write to [E-MAIL] and your message is automatically distributed to everybody subscribed to the list.
Albert put together a list with postal addresses as Word 2.0 docMS Word 2.0 Document For updates, please get the latest version and send it back to me, [E-MAIL]. (Has additions to Albert's original list, thanks to Luis: Julia, Virgina, Sonsoles, two Blancas, Cesar, Christophe, Elena, José, Julio, Laurent, Mikel, Roberta, Rocio, Sophie. Last update: Teo)

External Links

Politecnico di Torino [EXTERNAL]
Commune di Torino [EXTERNAL]

Personal Homepages

German's Page [EXTERNAL], sein Erfahrungsbericht [EXTERNAL] und die Underground page [EXTERNAL]

If you have a homepage or want to add another link, let me know, [E-MAIL]


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Page last modified on 15-Okt-98
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