"Programmation Déclarative"
During this course at EPFL , we had to realise three
projects in what might be called more exotic languages, all of them following the
functional programming style. (As opposed to imperative style like.)
The textbook of this course ("Cours de Programmation IV") can be found at http://diwww.epfl.ch/w3lco/pub/![[EXTERNAL]](../../../images/leave-site.gif)
PROLOG, the logic language
 | Project: A Trial-And-Error Labyrinth Path Finder application |
 | Realised at home in highly recommendable Amzi! Prolog |
 | Download the french project paper (WinWord 2.0 file, 43.5 KB)
or check out only the PROLOG source code (text file) |
MIRANDA, the functional language
 | Project: A public-key cipher & decipher solution |
 | As no Miranda system for the home PC could be found, this project was implemented at the
university's UNIX account on Sun machines |
 | Download the french project paper (WinWord 2.0 file, 42 KB, 8
printed pages) or check out only the MIRANDA (text file) source code: crypta.m, keys.m, diophante.m |
LISP, the (brackets) language
 | Project: A script to find the solution of a polynomial function |
 | Realised at home in highly recommendable LISP Allegro for Windows CL 3.0.2 of Franz. Inc.![[EXTERNAL]](../../../images/leave-site.gif) |
 | Download the entire project paper (WinWord 2.0 file, 43 KB, 8
printed pages) or check out only the LISP source code as
text file. |

All of these three projects probably don't make optimal usage of the respective
language. Keep in mind that the course intended to give an overview on "declarative
programming" (as opposed to imperative programming) and time was limited.