Young Leader's Institute 1997

Posters Skills People & Projects Pictures!

dove.gif (232 Byte)This is the website of the Young Leader's Institute 1997 held during 2.5 weeks in August 1997 at Heart's Bend World Children Center in Newfane, Vermont and organized by the UN recognized NGO Children of the Earth. This website contains the following sections: Posters ] Skills ] People & Projects ] Pictures! ]

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Children of the Earth Homepage

Send me mail <> [E-MAIL] to know more about, or
Send e-mail to Nina or Simon <> [E-MAIL] (Heart's Bend)
Send e-mail to Erica <> [E-MAIL] or visit Erica's Homepage [EXTERNAL]

You might want to contact Children of the Earth at Heart's Bend to find out about others and new programs offered: Children of the Earth, Young Leaders' Institute, P.O. Box 217, NEWFANE, VERMONT 05345 U.S.A.


This website was designed by Michael Vorburger [EXTERNAL].
Last modified: 02-Dez-98 < [E-MAIL]>