UN Simulation
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UN Simulation

UN Simlulation (YLI Workshop)

Fictous conflict to be solved

Welcome to the United Nations!

You are the new members of the Security Council, and you will meet at Heart's Bend World Children's Center to discuss a very serious situation that requires your attention, and if you choose, your intervention.

10 days ago, Syria invaded Lebanon. They have taken over the government, closed all roads into the country, and blocked all planes and boats from leaving or arriving. They have declared that the state of Lebanon no longer exists.

The reason they give is that most of the people in Lebanon belong to one ethnic and religious group - which is the same as the current ruling party in Syria. They say that the people of Lebanon are tired of poverty and struggle, and that they want to be a part of Syria.

The people of Lebanon, however, have resisted the take-over. Many civilians died as the Syrian army moved through the country. Many are now starving as food supplies are cut off and there are very few medical supplies available, and many people in need of them. Any foreign journalists in Lebanon have been detained, and there has been no word as to their whereabouts.

Electricity is cut in many parts of the country. The nights are very cold, and the situation is worsening every day. There are unconfirmed reports of an outbreak of tuberculosis.

The Security Council must decide what to do: How to deal with Syria? What about the people of Lebanon - do they really want to be a part of Syria? What international treaties have Lebanon violated? What about the humanitarian side of the issue, with food and medical supplies in very short supply.

The Security Council can issue recommendations, send in peacekeeping troops, a multilateral force, issue sanctions against Syria and order humanitarian supplies be shipped to Lebanon. What do you want to do? How do you want to use your power?

Remember that every country has a different official position on this situation - some are allies with Syria, some are not. Some favour no intervention, and some want to use the maximum force available.

In a civil manner, you must decide how to respond to this crisis in the world.

This website was designed by Michael Vorburger [EXTERNAL].
Last modified: 18-Okt-97 <yli@vorburger.ch [E-MAIL]>