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Country Information for the UN Simulation

The one-line description below reflects the (fictous) interests which each country   (group of two participants) were defending. Furthermore, each group was given a two pages which statistical information on their country; this was extracted from the CIA World Factbook [EXTERNAL]. (With the hint that "This information might reflect US specific points of views." ;-)

You consider an intervention to be an infringement of Syria's sovereignty.
You must dissuade the UN from any action.
You support the UN. You are not allies with Syria or Lebanon. You are concerned about cost of any intervention.
You are not an UN enthusiast. You don't care about Syria. You don't want an intervention.
You support intervention and harsh punishment for Syria. You are not so concerned about the humanitarian issues.
You support the UN and intervention, but cannot supply money & troops.
You don't want to get involved politically in this situation. But you would like the peace to be restored.
You don't think an intervention is an appropriate solution. You would like to solve this "politically" and get good press for your specific efforts.
You want the bloodshed to stop as quickly as possible. Do what it takes, but save lives. Open to send humanitarian relief. Have money.
Costa Rica
You are giving long speeches at the assembly about peace and remind everyone that Costa Rica does not have an army. You support a "political solution" and humanitarian relief. You are not enthusiastic about an intervention.
You are definitely against intervention. You are tired of the UN intervening in the affairs of sovereign nations.
Wants to send humanitarian aid but don't want to get involved in any military intervention.
You are very favorable of a military intervention for both political and humanitarian reasons. Depending on the concrete conditions, you might even be willing to send your own troops.
You think the UN should focus an other issues, of more import for your country. You don't really care.
You definitely want humanitarian aid to be sent. You might agree to protect it by light military, but cannot agree on strong military intervention.
You are a new & enthusiastic member of the UN. You strongly support punishment (including military intervention) for those who violate borders. Would send your own troops, but don't have many.

This website was designed by Michael Vorburger [EXTERNAL].
Last modified: 18-Okt-97 < [E-MAIL]>