Fruity C++

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A "Fruity" Approach to Memory Management in C++

A Pattern for Object Encapsulation


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October 1994 - March 1995, May 1995

This project originates from work I did to participate in youth science fairs. The first report was written in German for the national  contest of Schweizer Jugend forscht [EXTERNAL]. It underwent a major revision and was rewritten in English for the participation in the European Youth Science fair, where it won a third prize.


The main elements are some C++ classes which extremely simplify memory management. By providing automatic reference-counting, memory can be correctly free'd when objects go out of scope.

The first paper (in German) also contained an attempted math framework (symbolic derivation etc.) and a container class library (strings, stacks and bags etc.) based on the new memory management features. These chapters were all dropped in the final paper (in English) to concentrate on the core issue.


low-level C++ framework


Techniques such as what I called "shell / fruit" pattern are not entirely new to the C++ community. James Coplien describes a "letter / envelope" idiom in his book "Advanced C++ Programming Styles and Idioms, Addison-Wesley 1992" which is very similar. The point about this project is that I figured out something similar to a well-known C++ expert without knowing about his work. (I was told about on the youth science fair by one of the judges.) Chapter §3.3 of my paper has a short comparison.


I wish to thank "Schweizer Jugend forscht" and the "European Union Young Scientists Contest [EXTERNAL] for giving me motivation to work on this project and R. Christen for explaining to me how to write a clear & concise scientific project paper.


Abstract of final paper (in English)
Table of contents of final paper (in English)
Complete final paper: 18 pages in English as WinWord 2.0 doc. (102 KB)
Appendix: Source code: 45 pages as WinWord 2.0 document (201 KB)
Complete first paper (in German, 75 p.) + Sources (65 p.) as ZIP (140 KB)
All sources, samples etc. (135 files, my working dir.) as ZIP file (178 KB)


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