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Affiliate Program

We are in the process of setting up a Reseller Program (Affiliate/Dealer/Associate/Revenue Sharing program) which will allow you to participate in the success of KISSfp by linking to us and receiving a referral fee if we make a sales thanks to your link. We will announce the availability of this program to all our clients as soon as we have it. If you want to be informed, please drop a short note to our Support staff. Until then, we encourage you and appreciate it very much if link to us using the button or banner below!

We are aware that some people had an affiliate association with a former partner of ours who offered our KISSfp & MenuPlus products and an affiliate program. This partner was using the domain for his business. We have meanwhile terminated our business relationship with that partner and use as an other name for our first domain name, Should you have any issues or open questions regarding that affiliate program which was ran by that former partner of ours, not by us, please refer to your affiliate agreement (which we assume you have signed with them) for contact information.

KISSfp Button & Banner

You are most welcome to provide a link to this KISSfp site. Insert the HTML Code below into your page, e.g. shared left border, to display the button, or the banner:

KISSed Site - Download FrontPage KISSfp Add-Ons & MenuPlus NavBar & TOC FrontPage ComponentsGo to to download Microsoft FrontPage KISSfp Add-Ons & MenuPlus NavBar & TOC FrontPage Components!

<blockquote><p align="center"><a href="/kissfp/"><img src="/kissfp/images/kissfp_button.gif" alt="KISSed Site - Download FrontPage KISSfp Add-Ons &amp; MenuPlus NavBar &amp; TOC FrontPage Components" align="right" border="0" hspace="4" WIDTH="88" HEIGHT="31"><img src="/kissfp/images/menuplus_button.gif" alt="KISSed Site - Download FrontPage KISSfp Add-Ons &amp; MenuPlus NavBar &amp; TOC FrontPage Components" align="left" border="0" hspace="4" WIDTH="88" HEIGHT="31"><b>Go to to download Microsoft FrontPage KISSfp Add-Ons & MenuPlus NavBar & TOC FrontPage Components!</b></A></blockquote>

KISSfp FrontPage FTP Add-On

<a href=""><img src="" alt="KISSed Site - KISSfp FrontPage FTP Add-On Component" border="0" hspace="4" WIDTH="468" HEIGHT="60"></A>

KISSfp Description

If you want to add any textual description, please use wording similar to:

KISSfp FrontPage FTP Add-On facilitates uploading FrontPage-based Web sites to Hosts without Server Extensions by FTP. KISSfp reduces download time for your visitors with HTML Compression and saves space on your webhost. Great also for publishing Webs on multimedia CD-ROMs and free hosts. Special features include HTML Compression customized to FrontPage, automatically inserting icons after e-mail and external links, and many warnings such as broken-link reports etc.

FREE Upgrade & Donated Licenses

You can receive a FREE upgrade from a PRIVATE LICENSE to a BUSINESS LICENSE if you link to this site using the above button or the banner below. To upgrade this way, you must have purchased a private/home license, then set up the link on your site and send the URL to together with your proof of purchase, to receive the BUS license registration by e-mail.