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Details: Using Java Applets & Script with KISSfp

The information given on this page is only of interest to those who want to understand how KISSfp chooses which files to copy, e.g. when you use your own components not supplied with FrontPage.

Java Applets, Scripts (JavaScript) and ActiveX Controls cause two problems for KISSfp when copying files to the output directory:

  • Which additional files (e.g. images) have to be copied?
  • Which referenced classes have to be copied?

The first question can be answered for all Java applets supplied with FrontPage, because FP inserts a (non HTML compliant) valuetype="ref" attribute in every <param> which represents a needed file, e.g. an image which will be loaded.

A similar 'trick' holds for the JavaScript used in the "Active Graphics" feature, which loads different versions of graphical buttons in some themes: KISSfp loads all images referenced in MSFPpreload function calls. (Note that Active Graphics are similar to the Hover-Button Component, but implemented in JavaScript instead Java.)

An example  for the second question: fphover.class needs fphoverx.class. The current version of KISSfp has a built-in table of the dependencies of the Java classes supplied with FrontPage and correctly copies classes. (A future version of KISSfp could parse the Java class files to recognise all dependencies automatically. Let us know if that would be usefull for you.)

If you use Java applets or Scripts not supplied with FrontPage in your site, make sure you manually copy all files and classes needed to the corresponding KISSfp output directory. For Java applets, you can comply with the valuetype="ref" convention to tell KISSfp which files to copy.