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Tips: Convert a server-based to a file-based Web

If your web is on a local server (e.g. Microsoft FrontPage Personal Webserver) and does not use Run-Time Components, converting it to a file-based web will considerably speed up working.

Here is how:

  1. Create a New Empty Web. Close it again.
  2. Copy the entire old http:// local folder with Explorer, not FrontPage, to the new one.
  3. Open the new one again in FP. If told that it is not an FP web, confirm conversion.

Alternatively, you can also simply copy the ENTIRE folder from the local http location into a new location and open it with the "More webs" button. Type the path without specifying the file:// prefix. This does not add the web to the Open List.

NOTE: It is not possible to open the local http folder directly by specifying it's path in this dialog box: "The folder X is part of a server-based web."

WARNING: DO NOT USE FrontPage's Import File or Web command, because this does not properly copy _vti_pvt (hidden folder) where the Navigation, Design and Task Information is stored! Also, do not try to "Publish" to file://