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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

This page answers most questions we receive concerning MenuPlus. Please make sure you read this before contacting us. If your question is still not answered, you are welcome to Contact MenuPlus Support.

Why can I not see MenuPlus in FronPage's menu? (Installing)

If you MenuPlus does not appear under "Additional Components" in the "Insert" - "Components" menu, make sure you properly installed MenuPlus and/or follow the manual installation instructions if everything else fails. (Have you really done "Recalculate Hyperlinks" ?)

What is an Unknown FrontPage Component?

Cause: FrontPage sometimes "looses track" of installed additional components.

Solution: FrontPage 2000 has a convenient feature to check if your components are okay: Use the menu View / Reports / Components Errors. If there are any errors such as a Page "faq.html" contains an unknown FrontPage component: "fpTocPlus" (or fpNavPlus) it usually helps to run Tools / Recalculate Hyperlinks again.

If this doesn't help, you may want to try to reinstall MenuPlus using the original installer. Be sure you download the latest version of MenuPlus if you experience troubles. If this still doesn't help, please contact Customer Support.

How do I create automatic links to sections?

CONDITION: I want to add automatic links to titled sections in a single page, like the one above.

SOLUTION: Insert the MenuPlus Table of Contents component and set to the following options:

  • Start from: Current page
  • Show start page: Disabled
  • Show bookmarks: Enabled

Can I use the MenuPlus Navigation Bar in a Frame?

CONDITION: I want to use the ComponentNavigationName in a separate frame.

SOLUTION: This cannot be done using the Navigation Bar.  However, you can use the ComponentContentsName component to achieve this.

NOTES: FrontPage only makes available navigation information associated with a page to the components on that page.  It is not, therefore, possible for a component, not located on a page, to know where the page is in the navigation structure.

Can I use buttons in the MenuPlus Navigation Bar?

CONDITION: I want to use buttons in the ComponentNavigationName but it does not seem to support them like the inbuilt Navigation Bar.

SOLUTION: Use the inbuilt Navigation Bar.

NOTES: ComponentNavigationName was originally designed to fulfill multi-level custom text menu requirements not supported by the inbuilt Navigation Bar.  Buttons are only suitable for single level menus which is adequately supported by the inbuilt Navigation Bar.

Can I use MenuPlus Components with FrontPage Extensions?

CONDITION: My Web host's server has FrontPage Extensions installed.

SOLUTION: MenuPlus generally works well with FrontPage Server Extensions. Usually you would only install the MenuPlus components on the local machine used to edit the web, and not on the actual Web server. This works well as long as the MenuPlus components are NOT used in a shared border. Read the full story regarding MenuPlus and FrontPage Server Extensions here.

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Why is there only one entry in Contents Table?

CONDITION: There is only one entry in the ComponentContentsName.

SOLUTION: From the Navigation View in FrontPage drag and drop files from the file list to the navigation view.

NOTES: FrontPage uses a single default document (usually index.htm or similar) in a blank navigation structure and this is what is being displayed.  The solution above fills the remainder of the navigation information correctly.

Why are '<' characters not displayed?

CONDITION: I want to use the characters '>' and '<' in the HTML formatting section of ComponentNavigationName but the '<' character is not being displayed.

SOLUTION: Use the following equivalent sequence of characters exactly as written (including the semi-colon)

> &gt;
< &lt;

NOTES: The HTML definition uses the special characters < and > to form the invisible formatting tags.  Trying to display these characters simply by inserting them will confuse the browser displaying the HTML and produce unpredictable results.  (Normally the < will be ignored).  Therefore the HTML definition supports the special sequence of characters to represent the < and > as above.

How do I uninstall MenuPlus?

To uninstall MenuPlus, launch "Start/Programs/FrontPage MenuPlus Componets/Uninstall..." or use the Windows Control Panel, "Add/Remove Programs..."

What's the Error: Cannot access Structure Configuration File?

CONDITION: This message is displayed when trying to access control properties by double clicking control or when the control is displayed.

SOLUTION: Close and reopen the file being edited.

NOTES: This may be the result of FrontPage not giving the correct information to the control.

I have trouble downloading the evaluation version. Can you help?

Go!ZillaGetRight Resume DownloadsSimply try later, or maybe use a Download Manager like free Go!Zilla if you experience Download Problems. (or try GetRight or ReGet.) We can also send you the file as attachment if you wish, please contact MenuPlus Support.   , ,