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Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

You may Contact KISSfp Support only if your question is not answered here:

1. Is KISSfp an FTP tool? Can it upload only changed pages?
2. Is KISSfp compatible with FrontPage components? What about Java?
3. Is KISSfp compatible with FrontPage 2000?
4. I registered, but still get the trial time-limitation screen!
5. I registered, but the banner/notice is still in my pages!
6. How to remove the FrontPage menu entries after uninstalling KISSfp?
7. Any difference between Lite/Private & Professional/Business licences?
8. I get an abnormal program termination- or run-time error, then crash?
9. What's ... does not seem to be a HTML file (nor is it a valid conf. file) ? ...
10. Can I re-download the licensed version I've paid for?
11. When I delete a file from within FrontPage, KISSfp doesn't know it?
12. KISSfp changes my Web! The Navigation bars & buttons became GIFs!
13. When I click on "2) Start FTP Tool..." xyz happens/is launched. Why?
14. Why does KISSfp not copy unlinked files? (AKA Warning #10)
15. Why does another setup installation show up when installing KISSfp?
16. Why do I get message "x" when selecting the "publish" button?
17. I have problems downloading from this site, can you help?
18. I get ERROR (or WARNING) #x...

1. Is KISSfp an FTP tool? Can it upload only changed pages?

KISSfp reads your local Web ("InWeb") from FrontPage's Directory, and copies it to an "OutWeb" which is much smaller and contains only the files needed for FTP. To actually FTP the OutWeb to your Web host, you do need an additional FTP tool, which KISSfp can automatically call when done. We particularly like NetLoad which will automatically synchronise and upload only changed files; see

2. Is KISSfp compatible with FrontPage components? What about Java?

Forms, Chat Boards etc. won't work, because they rely on Run-Time Components, but Navigation Bars, Hover Buttons etc. will work, because they are Authoring-Time Components. Also Themes, Shared Borders etc. are no problem at all, because they don't rely on FrontPage Server Extensions anyway. (More Information...)

We also frequently get contacted regarding Java Applets or Java Script issues, sometimes related to FrontPage Hover buttons. Please make sure you understand the KISSfp & Java Details before contacting us in this regard. Other than that, understand that Java Script & Java Applets are purely client-side technologies, which will work on any server provided all the files required are present!

3. Is KISSfp compatible with FrontPage 2000?

Yes, KISSfp is fully FrontPage2000 compatible.

In FrontPage 2000, KISSfp appears in FrontPage's special Third-Party Add-On's menu, instead of the File menu as in FrontPage 98. For both FP98 & 2000, when KISSfp starts while FrontPage is running, it asks FrontPage about the currently open Web and opens it if the Web is file-based.

4. I registered, but still get the trial time-limitation screen!

You have to UNINSTALL the trial version (2 MB),
then install the 1 MB licensed version (1 MB) you got when you purchased.

5.I registered, but the banner/notice is still in my pages!

KISSfp only re-writes changed pages for efficency reasons. If you just re-run the registered version of KISSfp on the Out-Web generated by a trial version that inserted banners (notice bars) it will not actually overwrite those (old!) pages.

You can either delete your entire former Out-Web and let KISSfp start from scratch, or make sure FrontPage updates all your pages, for example by changing something in a shared border, or do a "Recalculate Hyperlinks" command, then launch KISSfp.

6. How to remove the FrontPage menu entries after uninstalling KISSfp?

Launch the Registry Editor with Start/Run, regedit. Then go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\FrontPage\Explorer\Init Commands and remove the "KISSfp" & "KISSfp Help" value. Same 3x "NOKISS" in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\FrontPage\ Editor\Init Commands. Sorry for this. This is a confirmed problem of the uninstall program we use. It's being worked on.

7. Any difference between Lite/Private & Professional/Business licences?


8. I get an abnormal program termination- or run-time error, then crash?

We have heard about problems with the evaluation version, but are unable to reproduce them. We use a third-party time-lock product, and the crash seems be related to it, on certain machines. Two solutions are suggested:

a) The licensed version works fine as it does not use the time-lock module!
b) download_icon.gif (159 Byte)Download an older trial version Download an older trial version of KISSfp for evaluation purposes. This version was not time-locked, but inserts banner advertisement in your processed HTML pages as "registration motivation" instead.

9. What's ... does not seem to be a HTML file (nor is it a valid conf. file) ?

KISSfp attempts to open the Web (Homepage) you last worked with when you start it. If the message does not seem to be a HTML file appears, KISSfp tried to open a bad (or now non-existent) homepage. Just select another Web/Homepage with menu "Web/Open" or button "Homepage" and that message won't appear anymore next time you start KISSfp.

10. Can I re-download the licensed version I've paid for?

If you have purchases through Digital River, please go to:
and Click on "Customer/Client Support" (DR CS)

If you have purchased earlier through NetSales, please go to:

11. When I delete a file from within FrontPage, KISSfp doesn't know it?

This behaviour is normal: KISSfp does never remove any files from the "OutWeb" ftp- Directory for security/backup reasons and to prevent 404s. It only copies new files. You have to either manually remove files from the OutWeb that you deleted in FrontPage's original "InWeb", or just remove the entire "OutWeb" directory and KISSfp will regenerate it, and so not recreate any files that don't exist in the InWeb anymore.

12. KISSfp changes my Web! The Navigation bars & buttons became GIFs!

KISSfp does NOT modify your "InWeb", that is your original FrontPage Web. You should continue working with the original FP Web, then KISSfp it to the OutWeb for FTP uploading. This problem occurs if you try to edit the OutWeb with FrontPage, which is a misunderstanding of KISSfp's concept.

13. When I click on "2) Start FTP Tool..." xyz happens/is launched. Why?

The second bar in KISSfp's main window "2) Start FTP Tool to actually Publish/Upload" just launches your external FTP program, that is the application you defined in menu "Extras/Locate FTP tool..." - If you are having trouble with this, you can equally well just launch your FTP tool as you usually do without KISSfp, e.g. directly from Start or the Desktop. This button is just a shorthand, you are not missing any functionality otherwise.

14. Why does KISSfp not copy unlinked files? (AKA Warning #10)

KISSfp starts to process your site from the given homepage, and looks at all pages that are linked from it, then searches pages and images from all the linked pages, and so on.

As a result of this "crawling" through a site, files that are not linked have to be copied manually, on occassions such as using index.html files to "cover the directory" or more commonly, pages that are called by CGI scripts.

In order to alert KISSfp of these files, one can use a simple workaround, suggested by KISSfp Power-User Stefan Gagner, sgagner(a) "Make a simple HTML-file, in his case called dummylinks.htm, which only contains links to all the unlinked files. Then put a hidden link in some page. A hidden link is easy to make by entering one single small letter like a comma, then make this letter a link to dummylinks.htm and fade the letter in the same colour as the background. Best is to place that hidden link e.g. in the lower right corner of a page. With this technique, all the unlinked pages are automatically linked by creating a 'dummylinks' page."

Another workaround is to simply re-run KISSfp with a different "homepage" setting to process an entire "hidden" tree of files which cannot be reached from the standard homepage.

15. Why does another setup installation show up when installing KISSfp?

If the folder you downloaded the KISSfp Installer into contains a "setup.exe", then that gets executed instead of the KISSfp's setup.exe contained in the the self -extracting KISSfp Installer.  The solution is to move the KISSfp installer to a new/fresh folder, without any "setup.exe".

16. Why do I get message "x" when selecting the "publish" button?

If you click "Start FTP tool to actually publish/upload" KISSfp simply starts the application you selected in KISSfp's menu: Extras/locate FTP tool. The message you are seeing is displayed by another program and not KISSfp.

17. I have problems downloading from this site, can you help?

Go!ZillaGetRight Resume DownloadsIf you are experiencing download problems from this site, this could very well be a temporary issue as it frequently happens on many sites; please simply retry later. We have also heard good things about Download Managers like free Go!Zilla, GetRight and ReGet. Last but not least, the KISSfp Customer Support could also send you the trial version as a 2 MB attachment by e-mail.

18. I get ERROR (or WARNING) #x...

Please refer to the LOG Messages details.